BackMan 1.4
A very simple question like "What is BackMan?" has a very simple answer:
"More than a simple backup program".
Anyway, these are the main features of BackMan:
- A very user-friendly MUI (MagicUserInterface) GUI (Graphical User Interface) which makes use of this program a lovable task.
- Supports the XPK (eXternal PacKing) libraries for data compression and encryption, to save space and add security to your backups.
- Supports muFS (MultiUser File System), a shareware project that provides file protection for multi-user Amiga environments.
- Support for almost all the backup media (floppy disks, tapes,
removables, AmigaDOS files, etc.) and alternative devices
(diskspare.device, mfm.device, etc.).
These are only the features that BackMan has and other software have not.
All the usual features (file selection filters, incremental backups, etc.)
aren't mentioned here, but are available!
Text taken from the original documentation of the package.